Download Help

This product is a digital product. This means there will be nothing shipped to your address.

Note that changing any part of this product in anyway is against copyright. If need be, we will take legal action if this is ignored.

We are unable to assist with technical issue as this time since we are not familiar with all the different types of technology and the settings they may include.

Devices that Printables Might Not Work With for Downloading:

  • Smart Phone
  • iPads and other tablets

A General Guide for Downloading Your Purchase:

Whether it's a printable or digital product, here are a few steps for downloading the item you purchased.

1. Once you've added the product to your cart and have gone to check out, you will then add in your card details. 
2. Once you have finished purchasing, you will receive two emails. The first one is an order confirmation. A few minutes later you will receive a second email which will give you a link to click so that you can have access to the product you purchased.
3. Once you are taken to that page, you can download the product and choose where you want to save it. Just know that if you do this on a mobile device, you may run into some errors. I would only recommend doing this on a laptop or desktop computer.

Each file is a PDF which means you will be able to open it up in your pre-installed PDF reader. Most computers have these, however, if yours does not, then you can download the most commonly used one here.